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8 Web Design Mistakes That Drive Away Your Visitors (and How to Fix Them)
By Admin 15 Mar, 2021

8 Web Design Mistakes That Drive Away Your Visitors (and How to Fix Them)

Every website owner dreams of attracting as many visitors as possible. They invest in top-notch web designers and promote their sites across social media and other platforms. The ultimate goal is to engage visitors and convert them into loyal customers.

However, retaining visitors can be challenging unless your website gives them a reason to stay. Factors ranging from design to user experience influence whether they will return or abandon your site. Often, the reasons visitors leave are due to simple mistakes made by the web designer.

In this article, you will discover eight common web design mistakes that drive away visitors and learn how to fix them to ensure they stick around.

1. Slow Loading Speed

A slow-loading website is a major turn-off. No one wants to spend eternity waiting for a page to load. Visitors have high expectations: 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less, and 40% will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Every 1-second delay reduces customer satisfaction and sends potential customers to competitors. 79% of online shoppers who experience poor site performance won't return to the site to buy again.

Use these free tools to test and improve your page speed: Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Website Speed Test, and GTMetrix.

Check out this article for tips on how to increase your website loading speed.

2. Cluttered Homepage

Your homepage is the first impression visitors have of your site. A disorganized, cluttered homepage filled with unnecessary elements can drive visitors away.

A good homepage should be well-organized, providing a clear summary of what your website is about. It should be simple, with a neat design that balances colors, images, text, and white space effectively.

3. Poor User Experience (UX)

User experience refers to how users feel while interacting with your website. If visitors find your site difficult to use or unattractive, they will likely leave and not return.

To improve your website's user experience, ensure it is easy to use, visually appealing, easy to navigate, and filled with quality content.

Additionally, with 50.81% of website visitors using mobile devices, it’s crucial to test your site across multiple devices to ensure a superb experience for all users.

4. Confusing Navigation

Difficult navigation is a major reason visitors leave a website. If visitors cannot easily find their way around, you could be losing a significant portion of them.

Most popular websites have a navigation bar at the top. Ensure your site has a clear and precise navigation bar that allows visitors to hover over and click through effortlessly.

5. Lack of Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Without clear calls to action, visitors will likely leave your site without taking any meaningful action. Surprisingly, people are more likely to do what you ask of them.

Guide potential customers with prominent, well-designed CTAs such as “Enroll,” “Register,” “Contact Us,” “Book Appointment,” “Request Quote,” and “Get Started.”

6. Broken Links

Broken links are a significant reason why people leave a website. Encountering an error page or a non-functional link can be frustrating for visitors. Regularly check your web pages to ensure all links are working correctly.

7. Outdated Information

Regularly updating the information on your website is crucial, no matter how old the site is. If visitors find outdated or irrelevant information, they will leave and are unlikely to return.

Keep your site content fresh and regularly updated to retain credibility and respect from your audience.

8. Poor Quality Content

Providing valuable content is essential for retaining visitors. Ensure your site has unique, rich content that is free from grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The content should be informative, educational, or entertaining and should speak to your target audience in a way they can understand and relate to.


In this article, we explored eight common mistakes that cause visitors to leave your website and how to fix them. Addressing these web design issues will not only help retain visitors but also improve your site's search engine ranking and increase conversions.

By creating a fast, organized, user-friendly, and content-rich website, you can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to return.

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